Who is Lazy Clay?

Yes, that was me and the boys back in the day. I'm now a bit older, a lot greyer and hopefully a little wiser. My name is Clay Jr, and I grew up in Montana and Nebraska (USA), where I acquired my taste for quality beef jerky at a very young age. Whether I was roping or riding, or just hanging out, beef jerky was always my goto snack. When I moved to the UK, I couldn't find quality beef jerky anywhere, and when I did find it, it was either imported, mass-produced or very synthetic tasting. I really missed good ol', handcrafted jerky, so I decided to make my own from an old family recipe. Soon, friends and family were asking for more, so... Lazy Clays was born. My goal is simple, to bring you the finest-tasting jerky using the best of British produce.
So here is wishing you all the best from the Lazy Clay Family...
TED, the very handsome chocolate Labrador.